Higher Ed Consolidation Solutions: College and University Merger Consultancy
Brian Weinblatt, Ph.D.

Merger Runway

Merger Runway ANALYSIS

Our Merger Runway Analysis provides college and university leaders with a high-level assessment of their institution’s financial position and timeline for considering a merger, acquisition, or affiliation. By evaluating cash flow, enrollment trends, and financial sustainability thresholds, we help institutions determine how much time they have to explore strategic options before financial pressures limit their choices.

For institutions facing financial challenges, this analysis offers a quick but insightful snapshot of their runway, helping leadership understand whether they need to act urgently or have time to stabilize before pursuing a partnership. By identifying viable paths and eliminating unrealistic options early, institutions can focus their efforts on practical next steps.

For financially stable institutions considering potential acquisitions or affiliations, our study provides a preliminary review of financial and operational factors that may impact long-term sustainability and strategic fit.

Our Merger Runway Analysis offers essential financial insights to guide institutions in the early stages of merger or partnership discussions, ensuring they approach the process with clarity and informed expectations.

Explore your options with a complimentary consultation.